Tuesday, May 31, 2011

I Guess I've Just Got That Type of Face

That is, the type of face that encourages attacks by crows.  About a week ago I was stirred from my morning-walk-to-work-reverie by a crow dive bombing my head.  It didn't rip out my hair or anything.  Just buzzed me a bit.

Yesterday, on the walk home from the office, I was buzzed again by a crow.  It was at the same intersection, but was it the same crow?  We'll never know.  I mean, how do you pick out a crow out from a lineup?  "Yes officer, the one with the feathers - that's the crow that done it!"

Today, as I set off across the intersection, I kept my wits about me.  Sure enough, as I hit the halfway point on the crosswalk, ZOOOOM!

The crow would make two more passes at me before I was out of its attack zone.  It did continue to eye me warily as I progressed down my street back to the relative safety of my apartment.  (I own a cat, so the term "relative safety" is not one I toy with here - she's not called Demon Kitteh for nothing.)

After the attacks had abated I texted one of my friends with my strange story.  His response, "You know crows can remember human faces for up to a year?"  What?!?!?!?!  Well, it's true.  Scientist Bernd Heinrich of the University of Vermont seems to think the behavior is a “byproduct of their acuity" - in particular, their ability to recognize and differentiate between individual members of their own species.  

So what does all of this mean for me?  It's time to buy a helmet. 

Monday, May 30, 2011

Welcome One and All

Hello, my friends, and welcome to Phacton.  What is Phacton, you ask?  It's my little blog project - my daily attempt to learn a bit of science and share it with my friends, loved ones, and (hopefully) strangers.  

As a disclaimer, I am not a scientist.  Sometimes I pretend to be, but that's just to pick up guys at the bar.  (What?!  I live in Seattle.  It's nerds ahoy here.)  Lack of science degree aside, I am just another gal interested in nerdy scientific stuff.  Brought up on a diet of Star Trek, Bill Nye the Science Guy, and Mythbusters, it's only natural that my nerdy inclinations would eventually need an outlet.  

The name of the blog is a mash-up of "photon" and "fact."  (Because, as any good trademark attorney will tell you, the best kinds of trademarks are those devised from made up words.)  I also like the idea of a one-word title.  It'll look better on t-shirts.  You know, if/when I become wildly successful and have Simon and Schuster calling me screaming, "OMG, you are the hottest thing since gamma ray bursts!  We want to publish you NOW!"

But, I digress.  And daydream.  Ooh, look!  A butterfly!  <Puts down laptop, chases silently after newly found lepidopteran friend.>